Monday, May 14, 2007

We had a good Sunday yesterday, had gifts for all of the Mothers, and then took my Mom out to eat after the morning service. We actually had more Mothers than usual and almost ran out of gifts - we ended up having just the right amount though. We went to White Spot after, which I am not sure if they have in the US or not (don't think so), but if you ever come to Canada you should try it. Last night we had an average Sunday night crowd, and a good service. Today we will be putting the bunk beds back up in my room in preparation for my Grandparents arrival tomorrow. They are missionaries in Jamaica and are back in the States on furlough right now, so they are coming up to visit for the week. It's going to be a fun week, I am sure. =)

Now to the graphics...I didn't post one yesterday, so I guess I will post two of them today, which I seem to end up doing somehow anyway.

I am sad to say that I am not the genuis who came up with and created this avatar, and I am not sure who is, but what a cool guy he must be!

This is an image I made for the camp we have up here every summer, it wasn't actually to be used, I just made it for fun. We usually divide the camp into two teams during the week, and this past year it was Coke and Pepsi.

Click to Enlarge

(The text looks a bit shabby because I didn't actually have the font, I had to cut it out of another image. You can't tell too much, and like I said, this wasn't for actual use anyway.)

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