Saturday, May 12, 2007

I found a website template today that I worked on a month or two ago just for fun, so I decided I will share it. I will probably post another small graphic too.

Click to Enlarge

This is one of my favourite, and I think my best, that I have done with a vehicle. I usually have trouble working vehicles into my graphics, so I was pleased when this one came out good.

And then just one more, I made this small button yesterday. It's mainly to go on templates that I have made, but if you would like to link to me with it you are more than welcome. (All 3 of my readers) =)

Also, some exciting news...I may post my first time tonight without any graphics in the post...that's right, just stuff about the day! =D

1 comment:

Katie Marie said...

Wow, did you design all of that green and white template? May I see the link to the actual site? It looks really nice!